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08 November 2023

Introducing our long-awaited segmentation feature

Using Apifon's new segmentation feature, you can target your campaigns to targeted customer groups with just one click.


Through the optimized version of the platform, customers can be instantly grouped into predefined categories based on their subscription date and previous campaign activity.

New pre-built segments available in Apifon platform:

  • New subscribers
  • New subscribers who have interacted with your previous campaigns within 30, 60 or 90 days
  • Inactive subscribers who have been active for 30, 60 or 90 days


How segmentation drives success in marketing campaigns

1. Enhanced Relevance: By focusing on a specific segment, marketers can better understand their customers' pain points and desires. This knowledge allows them to craft messages that directly address these specific needs, resulting in increased relevance. When individuals feel that a brand understands and caters to their unique preferences, they are more likely to engage with the campaign and ultimately convert into loyal customers.

2. Improved Precision: Segmentation helps marketers identify the most profitable segments within their larger target audience. By concentrating their efforts on these high-potential groups, they can allocate resources more efficiently and achieve better results. Segmentation enables marketers to create tailored campaigns that resonate with the right people, at the right time, and through the right channels.

3. Increased Customer Retention: Effective segmentation enables marketers to stay connected with customers even after the initial purchase. By understanding the specific needs and preferences of each segment, they can create targeted follow-up campaigns and personalized offers that nurture customer relationships.

4. Cost Optimization: Segmenting your target market allows you to be more strategic with your resources. With a narrower focus, marketers can allocate their budgets more efficiently and invest in the channels and tactics that are most likely to resonate with each segment. This not only saves money but also ensures that your campaigns are reaching the right audience.

In conclusion, segmentation plays a vital role in designing more effective marketing campaigns. By understanding the unique characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of different segments, you can create highly targeted and personalized messages that your customers will love. So, take the time to analyze and segment your audience—it's an investment that can result in significant returns for your marketing efforts.


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