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15 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

9 Reasons Why Email is Key to your Marketing Strategy

Is the over 20-year-old email still relevant today and is it worth it to invest the time and resources to integrate this channel into your marketing strategy? Find out why email it’s still a great channel to count for your marketing.

messaging tips-9 reasons why email is key to your marketing strategy

Advancements in technology, innovations and new platforms are constantly changing the digital marketing landscape.

Social media, digital advertisements and instant messaging apps create new opportunities for businesses, but they also beg the question: is the over 20-year-old email still relevant today and is it worth it to invest the time and resources to integrate this channel into your marketing strategy? The answer is definitely yes. Here’s why.

Everyone online has an email address

People are sending and receiving emails every day, worldwide. Emails are our online identities. The number of email users all over the world is expected to grow to over 4.2 million by the end of 2022. That’s over half of the planet. And it’s a very big audience for you to ignore!

It’s permission based

In order to be able to send emails to your customers they have to be on your subscribers list. This means that they have actively chosen to receive emails from you and are genuinely interested in hearing from your business. This is a great chance for you to nurture a personal and human relationship with them.

It’s cost- effective

Email is one of the most cost-effective channels out there to connect with new customers and nurture the current ones. Compared to other channels, emails reach the subscribers’ inbox, remain there and can be read repeatedly without any additional costs.

It’s time efficient

Email marketing can save you a huge amount of time thanks to automation. With the right software platforms you can speed up tasks, customize processes, target the right people with the right message, measure your campaigns and track your revenues.

It’s the most effective channel to acquire new customers

Email is highly effective for you initial brand contact. Through your blog or website you are able to attract visitors and convert those visitors into new signups to your list. Speaking of lists, here are 8 ideas to inspire you and help you build an effective subscribers list!

It’s flexible

You can use email the way it suits you: send plain text, design graphics or attach files. It’s a great media for brand updates, discounts, coupons, product launches or even birthday cards to your customers!

It’s measurable

Email is a great channel if you want to track your results and see what happens after you send a campaign. Delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates and unsubscribe rates are metrics that you can use to see if your campaigns are effective, determine what makes the greatest impact and improve them accordingly.

It’s mobile

Emails today are opened more on mobile than desktop. Mobile users check their emails three times more and they do it everywhere: at the gym, while eating, while using public transportation and more. Make sure you optimize your emails for mobile and enjoy great conversion rates!

You own it!

Every subscriber that joins your list is yours. You own your list and you own the subscribers. You’re not renting them from social media or any other platform. If another channel disappears, your subscribers won’t disappear with it. Remember: the value of a company is the value of its database!

Email marketing is evolving, changing and those that employ it have a great opportunity to improve their subscribers’ experience. One thing is for sure: email is key to your marketing strategy and is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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